The Relationship of Intolerant Behavior and Depressive Symptoms with Mediating Role of anger Outbursts and Worries among School Children


  • Farkhanda Emad Neuropsychologist, Sindh Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Sindh, Pakistan
  • Dr Aneel Kumar Associate Professor of Psychiatry Department of Medicine and Allied Jinnah Medical and Dental College Sohail Trust Hospital Korangi Industrial Area Karachi
  • Dr Aisha Lodi Postgraduate Trainee Department of Medicine Jinnah Medical and Dental College, Sohail Trust Hospital, Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi
  • Maryam Shahzadi Visiting Lecturer, Department of Applied Psychology, G. C. Women University, Faisalabad
  • Muhammad Umar Khan (PhD Educational Psychology), Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Psychology, Government College University Faisalabad, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan, (Corresponding Author)*


Intolerant Behavior, Sadness Emotion, Anger and Worried Behavior, Children


The rise of emotional disturbances among school children worldwide is a concerning issue that warrants our attention. The present study examines the relationship between intolerant behavior and sadness, focusing on the mediating roles of anger and worry in children experiencing emotional disturbances. The current study was conducted from October 2019 to September 2020 in multiple educational institutions throughout the Faisalabad district of Pakistan. Among the 615 individuals targeted, 500 met the established inclusion and exclusion criteria for the study. The sample comprised an equal distribution of 250 males and female girls. The individuals involved in our research ranged in age from 9 to 14 years. The Distress Tolerance Scale and the Children Emotional Management Scale were implemented. The analysis of data was conducted using SPSS Version 26. The findings demonstrate substantial associations between the inhibition, dysregulation of emotion, and coping subscales of anger, concern, and sadness (p<.001), regulation (p<.001), tolerance (p<.001), and absorption (p<.001). Hierarchical regression analysis indicates that the subscales of distress tolerance, anger, and worry strongly forecast depressive emotions (R² = .51; F = 20.78; p < .001). The results indicate that anger and worry act as substantial mediators between intolerant behavior and worry in emotionally troubled school children (R2= .425; F (5,394) = 58.125, p< .001). The findings indicate that reduced tolerance capacity is associated with increased anger and worry-related emotions. A high degree of anger and worry reflects the intensity of sadness experienced by children.




How to Cite

Farkhanda Emad, Dr Aneel Kumar, Dr Aisha Lodi, Maryam Shahzadi, & Muhammad Umar Khan. (2025). The Relationship of Intolerant Behavior and Depressive Symptoms with Mediating Role of anger Outbursts and Worries among School Children. Review Journal of Social Psychology & Social Works, 3(1), 510–520. Retrieved from