
1. Introduction

The Review Journal of Social Psychology & Social Works (RJSPSW) recognizes the importance of long-term preservation and accessibility of published research. This policy outlines the conditions under which authors can archive their articles and related materials following publication in RJSPSW.

2. General Principles

  • RJSPSW retains perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide rights to publish and disseminate accepted articles.
  • Authors retain copyright of their work and are encouraged to share their articles in accordance with RJSPSW's archiving policies.
  • RJSPSW supports open access publishing and offers various options for authors to make their articles freely available to the public.

3. Archiving Options

Authors have the following options for archiving their RJSPSW articles:

  • Self-archiving: Authors can deposit their final published version (post-print) in institutional repositories, personal websites, or other non-commercial archives. A link to the published article on RJSPSW's website must be included with the archived version.
  • Open Access: Authors can choose to publish their articles under an open access license, which allows immediate and unrestricted online access to the full text for everyone. RJSPSW offers two open access options: CC BY and CC BY-NC-ND.
  • Green OA: Authors can self-archive the accepted manuscript (pre-print) or final published version (post-print) in institutional repositories or other non-commercial archives, provided the publisher's embargo period is respected. The embargo period for RJSPSW is typically 12 months after publication.

4. Embargo Period

To ensure the widest possible dissemination of articles, RJSPSW has an embargo period of 12 months after publication. During this period, authors may only archive the accepted manuscript (pre-print) or final published version (post-print) in non-commercial repositories with a link to the published article on RJSPSW's website. After the embargo period, authors are free to self-archive their articles without restrictions.

5. Additional Materials

Authors are encouraged to archive any additional materials associated with their article, such as data sets, supplementary files, and presentation slides. These materials should be deposited in a suitable repository and clearly linked to the published article.