Enforcement of Urdu as official Language; Article 251 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973


  • Nizam-u-Din Barech Assistant Professor, University Law College Quetta, University of Baluchistan




Urdu, Language, Lingua Franca


Every language has its own importance and essence, in same way some languages are of constitutional importance almost in all civic walks of life, and the national language of every state is mostly declared to be the official language which is to be used for formal and official communication. Hence after independence, based on “Two Nation Theory” had declared that we have a different culture than those of our counterpart India , resultantly Urdu as a medium of communication {franka lingua} was declared by the first constitution of Pakistan, 1956 and then Constitution of 1962 and finally the provisions were inserted into the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973, under Article , 251, thereby It was declared that Urdu would shell be the official, language for communication in every sphere of life. However this dream could proved to be more fruitful, than it was aimed to be, the reasons behind were that being a Colony of England, English language had a very deep impact in the minds of citizens of Pakistan, since independence and this language was promoted by new generation, resultantly the nation slowly and gradually went away as enunciated U/A 251 of constitution adopting Urdu as official Language. This remained mere a provision not effective at all, and remain silent for many decades. This Research is aimed that what are drawbacks of adopting Urdu as our National and official language, to be adopted in all formal and official communication. This matter become more important when a historic and mark verdict was passed by Supreme Court of Pakistan, whereby all official / public departments were directed to adopt the Urdu language as official and formal language. Still the said verdict of apex court could not be enforced in letter and spirts of the Judgment. This research will find out the facts /information/evidence based on various sources or origin which would be sorted out through various methods of research from social sciences whereby samples of respondents would be communicated and then draw an opinion / information about the causes or restraints in the way of adopting the same judgment as directed by the Apex Court of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.




How to Cite

Nizam-u-Din Barech. (2024). Enforcement of Urdu as official Language; Article 251 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973. Review Journal of Social Psychology & Social Works, 2(2), 331–341. https://doi.org/10.71145/rjsp.v2i2.132